ArtDesignSculptureJapanese Artist Hand-Cuts incredible life-sized Octopus From A Single Sheet Of Paper by Emporio Efikz 21 janvier 2020 by Emporio Efikz 21 janvier 2020The art of paper cutting requires a high degree of patience and a steady hand. Japanese artist Masayo Fukuda has undoubtedly mastered this skill. In Japan it is called kirie … 26 FacebookTwitterPinterestTumblrRedditEmail
DesignHandcrafted Lights and DIY Lamp Kits Inspired by The Beauty of Nordic Seaside by steamtend 15 décembre 2019 by steamtend 15 décembre 2019Giant Medusa Origami Lamp Giant Medusa Origami Lamp Mint Octopus Lantern Giant Medusa Origami Lamp Giant Medusa Origami Lamp Giant Lapu Lapu Lamp Giant Sea Turtle Origami Lamp Jellyfish DIY … 5 FacebookTwitterPinterestTumblrRedditEmail