The gnome is a small humanoid creature legendary in European folklore. It is characterized by its very small size, subterranean life, and great knowledge of telluric secrets. During the 19th …
- ArtDesignSculpture
Artist Turns Old CDs Into Stunning Animal Sculptures Instead Of Throwing Them Away
The imagination of artists to reuse and transform everyday objects into works of art seems to have no limits. Sean E Avery, a teacher, writer-illustrator, sculptor and designer who lives …
Derek aka Dickie, owner of MasterGlasster, a shop on Etsy, has created this beautiful R2D2 lamp in the Tiffany style. Tiffany lamps are considered part of the Art Nouveau movement. …
Definitely, there are no written rules or patterns when we talk about art, because breadth, freedom, and originality will always be the protagonists, and Sylvie Facon is proof of that. …
They say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder and the floating test tube art that Dutch artist Rosa de Jong creates is both amazing and truly …
- ArtVintage
Rare 16th Century Gothic Boxwood Carvings Are So Miniature Researchers Used X-Ray To Solve Their Mysteries
Between 1500 and 1530 wood artists in Flanders and the Netherlands created of of the most exquisite miniature religious wood carvings ever seen. Known as woodbox carvings there are only …
Full-time tattoo artist and sculptor, Jason Stieva , owner of Shallow Grave Studios revealed his latest piece.
- ArtDesignMemories
A Company Swirls Loved Ones’ Ashes into Beautiful Glass Creation
by Benefikby BenefikA company in Seattle named Artful Ashes helps people hold on to the ashes of their deceased loved one beautifully and uniquely by creating cremation jewelry and keepsakes. The company …
Recently, Georges Ayusawa, a renowned art director in the movie industry, was commissioned by DBFX Workshop on a project to create over 25 stunning steampunk sculptures of pop culture characters. …
The Enigma Cafe in Romania is a sight to behold. This cafe has the distinction of being the World’s first kinetic steampunk bar and it certainly lives up to it’s …