Sylvie Facon, the designer of works of art into dresses

by Emporio Efikz
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Definitely, there are no written rules or patterns when we talk about art, because breadth, freedom, and originality will always be the protagonists, and Sylvie Facon is proof of that. This designer has captivated the world with her particular way of capturing art in fabulous dresses.

The French designer possibly never imagined that she would become a renowned fashion designer. Art has always been part of Sylvie Facon’s essence. However, her educational background was in the area of technology and social work, an area she devoted to for 30 years. In 2009, once she discovered her ability and passion for the design of extraordinary dresses, she became fully dedicated to her creations.

Robe-livre, chapitre 2

An unexpected and particular source of inspiration

As in other opportunities, Sylvie Facon was visiting a friend’s bookstore but that particular day she stopped to look at some old books without much value for their owner, those books caught her attention so much that she said: « They are so beautiful that someday I will make a dress with them », her friend, without giving much thought to it, gave her those beautiful books. Finally, after a few hours of work, she got her first masterpiece: A great dress that looked like an old library.

Robe Reliures de livres

Design without boundaries!

Sylvie Facon is capable of imagining anything and then translating it into delicate fabrics resulting in haute couture dresses. Books, violins, trees, cities or landscapes. These all are some of the motifs that inspire her designs.

Many times strange materials like the spines of old books, porcelain, straw or music scores are part of her amazing designs. The artist always seeks to highlight the woman’s silhouette, delicately marking her breasts and hips. Without a doubt, her dresses seem to be taken from a fairy tale.

The dresses we finally enjoy are the result of many hours of work, also of the love and passion of this designer for what she does. During her career, she has designed more than 1000 dresses, so there’s plenty to see and choose

Robe Arras

Robe Violon

Robe Temps

These are truly amazing works, we hope to continue enjoying the talent of this great designer who captures true works of art in her dresses.

Found more on her website : Sylvie Falcon / Instagram  / Facebook

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Cynthia Linklater 20 janvier 2020 - 1 h 53 min

Beautiful beautiful Lovely & fine!! No words can explain the beauty I see.

D. George Griffiths 20 janvier 2020 - 14 h 23 min

Beautiful! You are blessed ***** Gifted.

Hope Christensen 20 janvier 2020 - 16 h 29 min

Genius…… I love books and I love these works of art!!

Willo Williams 23 janvier 2020 - 9 h 55 min

I first saw these garments on an up-cycling group and was/am totally in awe. They are absolutely exquisite!


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